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  • Writer's pictureJ. Michael Squatrito, Jr.

Overlords Holiday Specials!

Can you believe it's the holiday season already? I know everybody's feeling the pinch with higher costs for everything under the sun. However, I refuse to raise the price of my books, even though Amazon has increased their production costs. I want you, my fans, to continue to receive my Overlords novels at the best price possible. That means if you order from me, you'll be able to buy any book for $15 (plus S/H) or the four-book set for $50 (plus S/H). I know that many of you have already purchased my books. However, if you know someone who might like a personalized book for a gift, please think of The Overlords and share the experience! Simply click this link to place your order. Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season!

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